About Us

On 28th May, 1959, the Institute was established by a special act of Parliament, namely, the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 as a statutory professional body for the regulation of the profession of cost and management accountancy.

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India is the only recognised statutory professional organisation and licensing body in India specialising exclusively in Cost and Management Accountancy.CMA is the Largest Cost & Management Accounting Body in Asia and 2 nd Largest Cost & Management Body in the World.

The head office is situated at 12, Sudder Street, Kolkata 700 016 and operates through four regional councils Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai as well as through a number of 117 Chapters across India and 11 Overseas centres. and having 85000 + Qualified CMA Professionals & 500000 + CMA Students .

Also Institute has 54 CMA Support Centres. 2 Centre of Excellence, 382 Recognized Oral Coaching centres, and 133 Exam Centres.

Vision Statement
"The Institute of Cost Accountants of India would be the preferred source of resources and professionals for the financial leadership of enterprises globally."

Mission Statement
"The Cost and Management Accountant professionals would ethically drive enterprises globally by creating value to stakeholders in the socio-economic context through competencies drawn from the integration of strategy, management and accounting."

Aurangabad Chapter is one of premier Chapters in Western India Regional Council established in 1989, which conducts oral coaching classes for CMA Foundation, Intermediate and Final Course and more than 500 students registered in the current academic year. In the last 35 years the activities of the Chapter have grown up due to the efforts put in by past Chairmen of the Chapter.

  • Assurance of 100% completion of course in time.
  • Expert faculties from academics and industry.
  • easonable fees with highest result.
  • Library facilities.
  • For Engg./Science graduates free training in Basic Accounting.
  • Own Computer training centre.
  • Special Training Sessions for Personality Development & Interview Techniques
  • Employment Bureau.